"The Seven P's For Winning" | Episode 78

"The Seven P's For Winning" | Episode 78

In Episode 78 of The Cheat Code, titled “The “Seven P’s For Winning” our hosts kick off the show with a shout-out to DRO Clothing, a brand that consistently provides them with stylish attire for their episodes. With gratitude in mind, they delve into a compelling discussion.

Wendy Day reminisces about reconnecting with an old friend, an encounter that stirred bitter memories of the past. This trip down memory lane serves as a poignant reminder of how the unchecked greed of a select few self-centered artists once dismantled what could have been a game-changing, culture-shifting record label.


The hosts shine a spotlight on a critical issue—the unpredictable external factors that pose the most significant threat to an artist's career. They stress the importance of having an advocate who not only supports the artist's vision but also possesses a deep understanding of the music business. All too often, artists are sold dreams because that's what's in demand.

The discussion shifts to artist plans and how some endeavors fail because the artist might not be the right fit for the intended recipe. Drawing parallels between the music industry and sports, our hosts liken it to a team with an owner, coach, superstar, and role players. They highlight the defining factor between winners and losers—the distinction between those who want to go to practice and those who have to go.

Our hosts propose the implementation of a new artist orientation provided by record labels. This orientation would comprehensively cover all the requirements and expectations of the artist within the record deal. They emphasize the importance of retaining a sense of self-sufficiency and not relying solely on talent, as true talent should motivate artists to take initiative.

The hosts recount a recent encounter with an indie artist who presented a well-structured 5-song rollout plan. This encounter instilled hope that the industry is evolving, with artists becoming increasingly savvy and avoiding the pitfalls of premature content release.

A key takeaway is revealed—the #1 question asked in all interviews: "What's next?" The hosts question the wisdom of participating in an interview without a clear plan for the future. Having a well-thought-out rollout and game plan not only enhances the fan experience but also attracts industry professionals eager to join a winning team. As our hosts succinctly put it, "Prior proper planning prevents piss-poor performance."

Join us as we explore the strategies, insights, and game plans that lead to success in the ever-evolving music landscape. “The “Seven P’s For Winning is the Cheat Code to making impactful decisions and achieving your creative potential


Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/Wac4BBdNT98

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/getthecheatcode/the-seven-ps-for-winning

Early Listen: https://on.soundcloud.com/bC4Mx

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